
Privateeyes heavy armory
Privateeyes heavy armory

privateeyes heavy armory

Ash Spawn now have a small chance of dropping a "Smothered" version of their weapon. Added new Wooden weapons Added new Ash Spawn Weapons. The Draugr Lord Battleaxe has the same reach as the Headsman's Axe from the base game. Removed the Draugr Dagger, Mace and Warhammer since those are now added by Fishing Creation.

privateeyes heavy armory

All Redguard weapons had their Crit value increased by 0.1 Scimitar has been renamed to Redguard Scimitar and had it's value adjusted to be consistent with the rest of the set.

privateeyes heavy armory

All Blades weapons have their speed value increased by 0.05. Renamed Blades Sword to Blades Katana and carried over changes from USSEP. Added WeapType keywords to new weapons (helpful for despolaying custom icons in SkyUI) This also means that many weapons that were craftable CCOR but not in the base game are not craftable anymore.

privateeyes heavy armory

Crafting had been reverted back to base game requirements. Removed all globals and craft conditions that were added by kryptopyr's CCOR, since many of these were outdated. Fixed Stalhrim weapons not having the correct stagger chance (0.1 higher than for other matierals). Changed the speed of all Greatswords to 0.75 to be consistent with the change from the USSEP. Halberds, Spears, Shortspears, Tridents and Quarterstaves all had their range decreased somewhat. Changed the stats on a couple of weapons. Fixed various mesh mistakes, wrong normals, updated tangents, or simply reworked some designs.


Added a patch for Animated Armoury so polearms will work with new polearm animations (for people who do want to use those weapons). Light removes polearm weapons (Halberd, Spears, Shortspears and Tridents) for people who do not want to use those weapons.


- Split the mod into a "full"and "light" version.Again a huge thank you to DrMonops, who did a ton of work on this update!.Removed all the Ashen weapons and everything related to them.


There are a bunch of patches available for other mods like Animated Armory, Dawnguard Arsenal, Tamrielic Distribution, various audio overhauls, and more! The FOMOD should recognise which mods you have active and help pick the best options for you.

  • New patches! All WACCF and CCOR patches have been moved from Kryptopyr’s Patch Hub to the Heavy Armory FOMOD installer.
  • Added a new Forsworn hatchet, and did some mesh changes to most Imperial polearms and the Iron Club.
  • The third option will make both versions appear. The second will disable my version, instead seeding the CC weapons into the leveled lists. The first will disable the new Draugr weapons added by the Fishing Creation, and replace them with my own version.
  • The old Heavy Armory Draugr dagger, mace and warhammer are back (if you want them to be)! I added three separate plugin options.
  • This will make it much easier for me to create future updates. The lite plugin now requires the main Heavy Armory plugin to work and only contains a variable that will disable all polearms from leveled lists and their crafting recipes.
  • Changed the way the LITE version works.
  • Many, many thanks to DrMonops for helping out! corrected levels for list entries, or changed certain sound or hit effects).
  • Lots of fixes, ranging from serious bugs to small changes for the sake of consistency (i.e.
  • FOMOD installer! Everything you need in one file.
  • Weapon balancing script for Heavy armory and Animated Armory for use in 圎dit Optional, even for the corresponding file(?). SPID Distribution for XvomTheMad's Glass Weapons and Armor Patches for HD Falmer Armor - Weapons - Huts - Everything - Glow Morrowloot Ultimate Patches - Smithing Fixes (Immersive Weapons - Heavy Armory - Katana Crafting) (Optional - Daedric Crafting - No Black Book) Heavy Armory The Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass Patch Heavy Armory Enchanted - Vanilla Enchantments Only Heavy Armory - New Weapons Traduzione Italiana Heavy Armory - New Weapons - Castellano - Spanish Textures included in the Main downloads.ĬRAFT - Smarter LOTD Forge and OWL Patches Patch for this awesome mod and the beautiful Ancient Dwemer Metal mod. Ancient Dwemer Metal - My patches for SMIM Dawnguard Dragonborn

    Privateeyes heavy armory